Government-Subsidised Housing
Tax Exemptions
Home Improvement Grant
Home Construction Subsidy Programme
Home Improvement Subsidy Programme
Government’s Aided Self-Help Housing Programme
Residential Lots by Former Petrotrin Employees
Freedom of Information Act 1990 Form
Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Application forms can be obtained from any office of the Housing Development Corporation or the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development; Application forms must be completed and submitted to any office of the Trinidad and ...
Information from the completed application form is entered into the Ministry’s database; Applicants then receive a reference number, username and password. The reference number identifies the applicant(s) on the database. (The username and password allow ...
Any resident citizen of Trinidad and Tobago who: Is 21 years and over; Does not wholly or partly own a house or residential property; Earns no more than $25,000.00 per month.