Government Aided Self-Help Programme Deed of Lease Distribution
The Honourable Minister of Housing and Urban Development Pennelope Beckles, and the Honourable Minister in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Adrian Leonce presented Deeds of Lease to beneficiaries of the Ministry’s Aided Self-Help Housing Programme on September 25, 2020 to start construction of their very own home. In an intimate distribution ceremony Read more
New Housing Minister, Pennelope Beckles officially cuts ribbon to open Brownfield Site, Bois Bande Settlement
On Wednesday September 16, the Honourable Pennelope Beckles, newly appointed Minister of Housing and Urban Development cut the ribbon to officially signal the opening of Brownfield Site, Bois Bande, Sangre Grande. This milestone event highlighted the upgraded works that will benefit some 150 households in Settlement B of the Brownfield Site. Residents can now Read more
New Housing Minister, Pennelope Beckles officially cuts ribbon to open Brownfield Site, Bois Bande Settlement
On Wednesday September 16, the Honourable Pennelope Beckles, newly appointed Minister of Housing and Urban Development cut the ribbon to officially signal the opening of Brownfield Site, Bois Bande, Sangre Grande. This milestone event highlighted the upgraded works that will benefit some 150 households in Settlement B of the Brownfield Site. Residents can now Read more