Honourable Pennelope Beckles receives a Courtesy Call from Japanese Ambassador to T&T
His Excellency Tatsuo Hirayama, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic Trinidad and Tobago paid a courtesy call on the Honourable Pennelope Beckles, Minister of Housing and Urban Development, today at the Ministry’s South Quay office.
During this inaugural meeting, His Excellency Tatsuo Hirayama and the Honourable Minister discussed general bilateral relations between Japan and Trinidad and Tobago as well as cooperation at the UN level.
The two countries have strengthened relations over the last years and Japan is committed to implementing various projects with broad-ranged purposes. These include providing infrastructure to the benefit of basic industries, to supporting the sustainable development of local communities via personnel exchange programs, vocational training courses, and grant assistance at the grass-roots level.
In addition to official development assistance, the Japanese Government is also offering the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program and the Monbukagakusho (MEXT)Scholarship Program to nationals of this country.
Minister in the Ministry of the Housing and Urban Development, Adrian Leonce was also present for this meeting.