• +1 (868) 623 4663


Application Process

To benefit from the Aided Self-Help Housing Programme, you must complete the
following process
Step 1

Potential applicants must meet the eligibility criteria outline below.

Step 2

Completed application forms will ONLY be accepted at the HDC Mall, Lisas Gardens, Couva, from Monday to Friday  8:00 am – 3:00 pm and on Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm  from November 20, 2017.

Step 3

Once you have met the eligibility criteria, you will automatically be selected to benefit from the programme.

Eligible citizens, with land approved for residential use, will be able to access:

  • Mortgages at subsidised (2% and 5%) interest rates from the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank (TTMB)
  • Subsidised pre-approved house plans
  • A list of registered building contractors
  • Technical assistance and oversight for the construction of their homes
  1. This initiative targets persons or families whose combined gross monthly income does not exceed $25,000

If you own land, you must:

  • Be a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago and have resided (uninterrupted) in Trinidad and Tobago for the last five (5) years preceding the date of signing a Statutory Declaration
  • Be twenty-one (21) years and over
  • Be the owner of land in Trinidad and Tobago
  • NOT be the owner of any other house
  • Have a monthly (single or combined) income that does not exceed $25,000.00


Applications will be evaluated by the Aided Self-Help Housing Committee to ensure that you have met the necessary criteria.

Once you have met the eligibility requirements, please see below for application instructions:

  1. Application Forms can be downloaded below or accessed at: The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Level 2, #44-46 South Quay, Port of Spain; HDC San Fernando Area Office, #2 Mc Gillvary Street, San Fernando; HDC Couva Mall, Lisas Gardens, Couva; Land Settlement Agency Head Office, Orange Grove Road South, Tacarigua.
  2. Completed application forms can ONLY be submitted at the HDC Mall, Lisas Gardens, Couva from Monday to Friday  8:00 am – 3:00 pm and on Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm  from November 20, 2017.
  3. Potential applicants will be required to submit the original and a copy of supporting documents at the time of application. These include the T&T National Identification card, computer- generated birth certificate, driver’s permit or passport; marriage certificate (where necessary), proof of income (recent payslip, job letter or declaration of income for self-employed persons), a recent utility bill (not more than three months old), and a deed of conveyance.
  4. Applications will be verified by a Customer Service Representative and entered into the Ministry’s database.

Once you have met the minimum requirements, you will be automatically selected to benefit from the programme.