Housing Minister Presents Home Improvement Grants Cheques
August 8, 2023
Minister Presents
Home Improvement Grants
On Friday August 4th, 2023, the Honourable Adrian Leonce, Minister in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development along with other executives of the Ministry, presented Home Improvement Grant cheques to a sample of thirty (30) eligible
homeowners, representing 327 families who will benefit within the next few weeks from grants valued at just $4,900,000. The ceremony was held at the head office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development on South Quay in Port of Spain.
Recipients from all across Trinidad were randomly selected and assessed based on the criteria stipulated under the Home Improvement Programme. This Programme, facilitated by the Housing Programme Facilitation and Implementation Unit of the Ministry, forms an integral part of the national housing mandate. The aim is to assist as many vulnerable families, as possible, to carry out critical repairs, upgrades to their homes, and improve their living conditions.
Since its inception in fiscal 2003/2004, the programme has helped over 21000 qualifying families across the country. In the past five years, the Ministry distributed over 2,600 grants valued at over $39 million. In fiscal 2023, the programme’s budgetary allocation increased to $12 Million, up from $8 Million in 2022, thereby facilitating an increase in the number of families helped with the distribution from 533 to a target of 800 in fiscal 2023.
In his address, Minister Leonce told recipients: “The home improvement grants address a crucial aspect of public interest, which is affordable housing. By assisting homeowners to renovate and upgrade their properties, we are ensuring that their homes are safe and habitable, regardless of their financial circumstances, as articulated in our Roadmap to Recovery. This inclusivity strengthens the fabric of our communities, fostering a sense of togetherness and shared responsibility.”
Minister Leonce further said: “We recognize and appreciate that the disbursements may not always allow you to do all that you would like to, however, we trust that it will still be beneficial to you in meeting your more immediate home repair or upgrade and in so doing improve your family’s quality of life. The programme does not only positively impact the recipients of the grant, but also has a trickle-down effect which drives economic activity within the community as well as the wider socio-economic landscape of the country.”
Also present were Acting Permanent Secretary Mrs. Shanmatee Singh Ng Sang, Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary Mrs. Lena Hanooman-Boodram, Programme Coordinator Mrs. Hermian Smart-Findlay and other officials of the Ministry.
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