Housing Minister Pennelope Beckles presents Home Improvement Grants to deserving recipients at a Cheque Distribution Ceremony in San Fernando
On Monday 19 April, 2021 the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, the
Honourable Pennelope Beckles presented cheques to ten (10) applicants, under the Ministry’s Home Improvement Grant Programme (HIG), at a distribution ceremony held at the HDC’s Sub Office in San Fernando. The recipients of this grant allocation are from various communities in South Trinidad.
The Home Improvement Grant Programme forms an integral part of the Ministry’s Housing initiatives. Since 2006, the Programme has assisted thousands of qualifying families across Trinidad, such as those receiving their cheques today. This will enable them to effect critical repairs and upgrades to their existing homes, and improve their living conditions.
Thus far, for this fiscal, the Housing Programme Facilitation and Implementation Unit of the Ministry, as administrator of the Home Improvement Grant Programme, has been able to disburse 377 cheques in the sum of $4,245,100.00, to deserving applicants throughout the country.
Minister Beckles told recipients that while the funding may not allow them to do all that they would like to, it should still assist with their house repair needs. The Minister went on to urge the recipients to honour their agreement with the Ministry and use the monies received for its intended purpose, as the Ministry would like to process as many of the applications received as possible ,despite the Ministry’s limited resources.
The Minister further stated that, ” it is worth noting that this programme does not only positively impact the recipients of the grant, but also enjoys a trickle-down effect which drives economic activity within the community, either directly and indirectly, through the employment of skilled and semi-skilled labourers, purchase of hardware and other industry related goods and services, entrepreneurial businesses including food vendors.”
Also, in attendance were Minister in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, the Honourable Adrian Leonce, Ms. Patricia Alexis of the San Fernando East Constituency office, Permanent Secretary Claire Davidson-Williams, Manager of the Housing Programme Facilitation and Implementation Unit Mrs. Hermian Smart-Findlay, and other invited guests.