Opening Ceremony for the Maracas St. Joseph Police Station
On June 30, 207 the Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago officially opened the Maracas St. Joseph Police Station.
The Honourable Randall Mitchell, line Minister for Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited – Udecott, MP for the area, Dr. the Honourable Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, Commissioner of Police (Ag), Mr. Stephen Williams and Major General Edmund Dillon, Minister of National Security.delivered remarks. The Prime Minister, Dr. the Honourable Keith Rowley delivered the feature address.
The Maracas St. Joseph Police Station includes a public reception space, private statement room and fingerprinting room and feature elements that reflect an improved approach to offender management. Some of the new additions include multiple juvenile holding rooms, to ensure that young offenders are kept separate from adult offenders/suspects and cells and processing areas for offenders which can be accessed via separate, secured vehicle areas.
In-house lecture rooms, a library and gymnasium, sufficient dormitories for male and female officers, a kitchen, laundry room, prayer room and a private office for counselling, are key features of this station.
Minister Mitchell said “these facilities will support the Police Service’s efforts to ensure that its police officers are not only well trained but also physically, emotionally and mentally prepared to interact with members of the public.”